Because the Curl request is made at the web server, it might bypass firewalls and use internal networks that must not be accessed by outsiders. This is one of the steps in PHPs Resource to Object migration. You can manually set this using the curlsetopt function. From PHP 8.0 and later, curlinit function returns a CurlHandle object instead of a resource object. Parameters url If provided, the CURLOPTURL option will be set to its value. Let us know if you have an excellent idea for the next topic! Contact Anto Online if you want to contribute. Manual Code Examples curlinit ( stringnull url null ): CurlHandlefalse Initializes a new session and return a cURL handle for use with the curlsetopt, curlexec, and curlclose functions. Anto Online takes great pride in helping fellow Cloud enthusiasts. Call to Undefined Function idn_to_ascii()Īnto's editorial team loves the cloud as much as you! Each member of Anto's editorial team is a Cloud expert in their own right.
How to solve the undefined variable/index/offset PHP error.You will no longer get a “call to undefined function curl_init()” error when using PHP’s cURL functions. I am using PHP curl functions to post data to the web server from my local machine. Sudo systemctl restart nginx Wrapping up undefined function curl_init error