RealVNC is available in both, free and commercial versions.
Tectia SSH client was another free version of SSH client for Windows (the last version that I could obtaint for free was 4.0.7) with important twist – it’s free for non-commercial use only, so it might not fill your bill. PuTTY is probably the most popular SSH client for Windows. WinSCP is my SFTP/SCP client of choice for Windows. tmux – this terminal multiplexer is my best friend while working remotely via ssh. OpenSSH for Linux and and an excellent OpenSSH package for Windows, CopSSH makes remote administration much safer exercise. Remote Administration tools for Linux and Windows It’s much simpler than Plone, from both HW and administration point of the view, it’s much easier (cheaper) to find hosting provider. Make no mistake, despite it’s innocent look it’s powerful system (with steep learning curve compared to other open source CMS’s) that need adequate server with enough CPU and RAM and administrator/developer who is willing to invest in learning Plone. Plone is considered one of the most powerful content management systems and is my long time favorite. Not because of Wodpress being any better than Drupal or Plone, but it certainly is easier to setup and manage. WordPress replaced Drupal (Plone) as my CMS of choice. Perhaps the most stable and fast ftp server out there. #COMODO FIREWALL LINUX MINT PROFESSIONAL#
vsftpd is the first (and very likely the only ftp server that I would consider to setup public ftp server for myself or for the professional use). FileZilla client is my preferred ftp client. Blat is my command line SMTP mailer of choice. Swithmail replaced Blat as my command line STMP mailer of choice. (Honestly, I think I’ll settle with Google applications for my personal e-mail and calendar!) I’m also evaluating Lightning, a calendar add-on for Thunderbird. Thunderbird is my current News reader. Opera is also the preferred browser of our SAN vendor, so I’m using Opera to manage our SAN. #COMODO FIREWALL LINUX MINT DOWNLOAD#
Download capabilities built in Opera are much better than the one currently (v2) available in Firefox (I heard this will be enhanced in Firefox V3).
Opera is the tool I use when I need to download those bulky Oracle zip files from OTN. I’m using Chrome whenever I need to download large files or open many pages on separate tabs as fast as possible. Chrome completely replaced Opera and is now my second browser of choice. Brave completely replaced Chrome as my trusted second browser. Firefox is my internet browser of choice since versions (0.x). Kinda hard to explain really, but if you need a free enterprise class OS and if you’re already familiar with Solaris 11, then you should definitely check OpenIndiana! OpenIndiana is an interesting project trying to provide Solaris 11 binary compatible OS. Moren than once in the last year or two, “System Rescue CD” saved my day. Knoppix is my favorite “boot from CD” Linux distro. Pidora Ubuntu Mate and Raspbian are two Linux distributions for Raspberry Pi that I’m running on my RPI. In addition to Oracle Linux and Linux Mint XFCE, I do some job related work with Xubuntu LTS releases as well, and I like it. I also like recently released LinuxMint 18 (in beta at the time of this writing) with Mate desktop. My last Fedora Workstation was replaced by Oracle Linux 7 with XFCE desktop environment. However, I didn’t completely abandon Fedora, I’m still using Fedora on one machine, but running Cinnamon spin instead of unstable KDE. I had way too much freezes with Fedora (since >= FC 20 KDE). Linux Mint 17 (Cinnamon) Linux Mint 18 (XFCE) is my new distro of choice for my main desktop and laptop. Fedora KDE spin is the OS of choice for my desktop and laptop (I could not bare any more with Unity UI interface - imho, it’s the most unproductive desktop UI at present.). Ubuntu recently (as of August 2010) replaced Windows XP in my home office and become my OS of choice. #COMODO FIREWALL LINUX MINT SOFTWARE#
The only Linux distro I would never consider using it is SUSE (or any other software from Novell). Overall I prefer Linux distributions based on Red Hat for the sake of simplicity of installing Oracle stuff. As you might know Oracle has it’s own Red Hat clone, called Oracle Enterprise Linux – and this would be my preferred Linux distro for deploying production Oracle servers running on Linux. Why? Simply because it’s perfect binary clone of Red Hat Linux.
CentOS is my favorite Linux distribution for testing out Oracle for Linux.
Another distro that I put recently (in 2016) on my radar is openSUSE Leap.
Oracle Enterprise Linux – replaced CentOS as my server OS of choice after Wim Coertas announced that updates are available to the public via Oracle yum repositories and not just to the paying customers.